There was once a really big ship that broke down. All efforts to find the fault and get the ship moving were in vain. Ultimately, they summoned an expert to the task. When the expert came, he merrily strolled around the ship for about 30 min, pulled out a wrench and turned it clockwise. “It’s done,” he announced. And in a matter of minutes, the ship roared into action. He then presented an invoice of $1,000/-. The ship owner was aghast and asked why he would charge $1000/- for a merry stroll and turning a nut. “Please give us a breakdown”. “Sure,” he said. The next day the invoice with the breakdown came. It read – $5 for turning the nut. $995/- for knowing which nut to turn.
The solutions to most problems are simple. That simplicity though is evident to eyes that have navigated enough complexity to separate the wheat from the chaff. At Cignas, collective experience of over 200 years across diverse facets of businesses help us connect the dots faster. We work directly with owners of businesses and align our work to serve their long-term best interests. So we are not myopic to prioritize quick-fix solutions to boost billing. It’s because of this clarity, that clients have stayed with us for decades.
Drawing from the legacy of N A Shah, we are now Cignas – a boutique advisory firm, even more sharply focused on pure advisory. Bringing the beauty of simplicity and clarity to the table.
Ashok Shah
Founding Partner
Marked by his sagely aura, Ashok leads Cignas as a founding partner of the firm. With a strong legal and tax background with over 48 years of experience, Ashok was at the helm of affairs at N A Shah before Cignas. Heading the firm’s Tax Advisory, Estate and Trust Planning and Family Settlement/Mediation practice, he became over the years a trusted voice to go to for a number of family businesses.
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Jayendra Shah
Founding Partner
A brash maverick, who will call a spade a spade. That’s Jayendra Shah, founding partner at Cignas. His no-nonsense, outside-in approach to strategy, often startle businesses. They realize though, that his unfiltered views only have their best business interest at their core.
Jayendra helmed the affairs at N A Shah for more than 40 years prior to Cignas, focusing on strategy, Transaction Advisory, Valuation and commercial negotiations.
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Sandeep Shah
Founding Partner
Sandeep Shah is the founder partner at the firm with over 40 years of experience. Sandeep joined N A Shah after his chartered accountancy and started focusing on his core areas – Audit & Assurance, Family Office and FEMA & allied laws. Sandeep is a voracious reader and supports the think tank of the firm through his comprehensive understanding of various laws pertaining to the Indian regulatory and business environment.
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Diana Mathias
Diana Mathias is a partner at Cignas, with over 15 years of experience in business structuring and transaction advisory services. Diana joined N A Shah before moving to Cignas. Diana has developed a strong expertise in Corporate law advisory, Cross border advisory - Structuring of inbound and outbound transactions and Transaction support services.
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